In 1915
cleveland motorcycle manufacturing Co. . began producing single cylinder motorcycles with engine 221cc 2 stroke bekapasitas. These motors including motors like the American market. thus encouraging companies to produce motorcycles with an engine capacity greater then 269cc cleveland born followed by the presence of cleveland 350 cc bike in 1924 were in fact less successful in the market because there are many deficiencies in the machine and also errors in marketing strategy. With the failure of cleveland 350cc then they innovate again with melauncing new motorcycle with an engine capacity greater cleveland it gives birth to 598 cc 4-cylinder designed by Fowler in 1925 as the four previous variants of this product also sag in the market because they can not compete with other similar products . The company did not give up their end product melauncing again with engine capacity of 737 cc and gambot cleveland 1000cc.
But good fortune is not going with them because it coincides with the new variant dikeluarkana economic crisis Americans are followed later by the fall of the stock cleveland clevelan finally officially bankrupt in 1929. If judging from the uniqueness of the products issued by cleveland should such products be able to compete in the market, but at that time a lot of quality products available such as harley davidson and indian market eyeing its sama.membuat difficult to grow. Due to the beauty of the design of the motor to date The cleveland being hunted by collectors primarily to cleveland classic motorcycle 1000cc that is considered as the ultimate and historical works before the plant was officially closed.