Indian history can not be separated from the role of two very genius in their field - one that Carl
oscar hestrom and George Hendee. Carls oscar hendstrom is an engineer born in Sweden in 1871 with a bike engine design expertise. then George Hendee was a cyclist who has a company by the name of Hendee manufactury where on one occasion they met because it has similarities in bike racing hobby. After some old friends they agreed to work together and set up a company indian motorcycle manufactory. With the expertise of carls hendstrom in their design and manufacture two (2) single-cylinder prototype engine on 30 May 1901 with the bike frame and engine advantages offered by them to attract attention people. With the success of Indian motorcycles and increase production to 143 units for the year 1903 pertama.Tahun production increased to 376 units last
George Hendee |
menigkat reintroduction in 1905 to more than 1000 units to improve the performance of the era from 1907 to 1909 cc v-twin with a great introduction. In 1910 the innovation started by introducing the use of suspension in the rear suspension uses depan.lalu do on 1913.Dengan various innovations made tremendous increase in production occurred in 1913 for which figures menigkat production to 30,000 units .. In a further development indian motor company many suffered a setback because of the company's competitors eventually bankrupt the company stopped tahun1953.setelah bebearapa year was taken over by the company in 2011 to be exact polaris company on the move from North Carolina to Iowa Minnesota.dan. After the company's move to end the year 2013 polaris motor variants indian clasic re-launched.